....but this night was not usual. i love my (almost-)nightly baths, i tend to wind down in the super warm water while mommy washes me all over with some nice, calming, frothy stuff. well, on this particular night, the air had seeped out of the part of my duckie tub that keeps my rump cushioned from the hard adult tub (mom says that part is like a raft). you know the place where mommy blows the air into that part of the tub? well, since there was no air in the raft, the air
nozzle part was pressed right into my tushie. i was
not happy. but mommy swears that i was happy when she pressed the shutter on her camera--she wouldn't want you thinking that she would leave me in any discomfort just for the sake of a photograph...or two. (she took
5 pictures!)