Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sweet Dreams

I got my new bed yesterday! Mommy says she posted this while I attempted to sleep in it for the first time (as pictured). So far it's been 15 minutes.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mommy says...

...not to let this picture fool you because, as she said to my Aunt Sissy, "15 minutes later this same cherub was on the kitchen floor on her back kicking & screaming mad bc she wanted to go back outside." It's true: I have no problem letting it known when I'm mad. Problem is, I DO have a problem letting it known in proper English. Mommy hopes that my tantrums stop once I can better express myself with words.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ya gotta brush!

I love brushing my teeth! Today I decided to try to see if BunBun would let me brush his. He loved it.