i wou

ldn't have had such a wonderful chanukah had it not been for my bubbie & zayde and nonna & grandpa. it was because of their many many gifts that i was able to celebrate as though the maccabees' oil had lasted SIXTEEN days! seriously, the UPS guy became my best friend, and i went through withdrawal when he stopped visiting every day. (i miss you, dan, dan, my UPS man!)
the fun began a few days before chanukah with a delivery of a big box from ohio filled with gifts of all shapes, sizes, and sounds, each wrapped up to keep me excited. mom and dad displayed

the gifts all around the menorahs for several days leading up to and during chanukah. this was a great exercise in patience...if not for me, then definitely for my mom, but we were both good. i found that i really like surprises--they're always worth the wait. at least that's my experience so far.
then, around day 5 or six, dan started coming every day...for, like, 6 days in a row! i don't think nonna and grandpa meant for this to happen--it's just turns out that each thing they selected from my target wish-list was sent separately from the original manufacturer. we never knew when it would

stop--how fun!! (it did stop, by the way, hence the above referencing to missing UPS dan.)
here are just a few select photos of my first chanukah, but not in any sort of good order or placement--sorry. as

for chanukah, i LOVED the candles, and the singing. it was very, very nice. i ate potatoes for the first time during ch

anukah! mommy says

that next chanukah, i'll be able to eat latkes. and something called "soof-gah-nee-oat." mmmm, donuts.
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