Monday, October 31, 2011

i got caught...

yeah, i got caught hoarding all the candy. mommy said that made me her "sweet child o' mine."

Sunday, October 30, 2011

mama said....

...if you're gonna be a gangster, it's best not to put your real name on your shirt, or take a nap.

Monday, October 10, 2011

i finally have a name

yesterday was my simchat bat, my baby naming, where i was given my hebrew name. it was at my nonna & grandpa's house in DC. it was a gorgeous day--almost 80 degrees. there were lots of really nice people there, many of whom i hadn't yet met, some of whom even brought me presents! (mommy had said it wasn't a gift-giving thing, but i guess some people couldn't resist.) i even got a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes from my aunt Cara's mother-in-law! mommy said most people never own a pair of Marc Jacobs shoes, but i am getting my taste for high-fashion very early, thanks to Mama G. apparently, Mama G will provide me with over-the-top fashion through-out my life, just wait and see.

there were also some people who couldn't make it, like my Bubbie & Zayde, and my great-grandpa Sam. they were there with me in spirit--that's what mommy said--and i'll see them again very soon. mommy and daddy also missed their loved ones who really couldn't be there today because they're gone. Like my mom's grandmothers (Martha and Molly), and my daddy's Pop, Patsy, and Min.

here's photos:

so, my hebrew name is schulamit raHel, which means full of peace & beauty. Schulamit also sounds a lot like mommy's last name, Schulman, so that's for my Zayde. RaHel is in honor of "Raphael" for my great-grandparents Sis & Joel, and my grandparents, Nonna & Grandpa; mommy also has a lifelong friend named Rachel, so it all works out really well.

so, now it is my duty to grow up and be a good jewish girl. i'll do my best!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

mommy is sad

usually it's me crying at this time of the night, but tonight it's mommy. a guy named steve jobs died. mommy says i'll understand when i'm older that this man changed the world in ways that she could never have imagined when she was a tyke, let alone could her parents and grandparents. mommy says i'll certainly learn all about him in school when i'm older. sounds like a cool dude. Rest in Peace, Mr. Jobs. and thank you for all the things we now have because of your visions.

jogging stroller

one of the families at mommy's preschool gave her their old jogging stroller. i had no idea it would be so much fun! mommy says it is really light, and i think it smooths over all the bumps in the road. this is when daddy took me on a walk:

and this is when mommy took me on a walk:

just sayin'....