Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sweet Dreams

I got my new bed yesterday! Mommy says she posted this while I attempted to sleep in it for the first time (as pictured). So far it's been 15 minutes.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Mommy says...

...not to let this picture fool you because, as she said to my Aunt Sissy, "15 minutes later this same cherub was on the kitchen floor on her back kicking & screaming mad bc she wanted to go back outside." It's true: I have no problem letting it known when I'm mad. Problem is, I DO have a problem letting it known in proper English. Mommy hopes that my tantrums stop once I can better express myself with words.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Ya gotta brush!

I love brushing my teeth! Today I decided to try to see if BunBun would let me brush his. He loved it.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sidecar Piggie!!

Gary is super lucky that my feet don't reach the pedals, but when they do, we're takin' this Radio Flyer out on the road!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I Want My Hat Back!

This is me on my way out the door to hook up with my Ant Mimi to go see Jon Klaasen, the author of my most favorite book of all time (first introduced to me by Ant Mimi).

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Mommy says....

that I have no fear. Her proof is that I go up and down this slide all by myself. What's the big deal??

Monday, September 10, 2012

Back to School Traffic!

I just want to make sure you're being extra careful out there on the roads now that traffic flows have changed & congestion is at its worst during these weeks of Back-to-School. Just remember that I am always watching.

I didn't do it!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Bonding with Gary Pigg

Gary and I have a very difficult relationship, which I hear is quite common in such situations (I vow to explain in more detail at some point). These photos, however, were taken while Gary & I sat very close to one another bonding over our mutual love for cilantro, and actually sharing our personal stash with one another quite agreeably!!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

my nose

my mom says that my nose has become more defined in the past few days. she says that my babyness is starting to disappear.

turn up the volume

this wasn't planned, so the sound isn't that great; however, the music is integral to the video, so i beg you to TURN.IT.UP. and watch me jam.  this is very long, so stop & start at any time. some highlights are me whistling to Green Onions, and deciding what i want to hear, but this is mostly me and my favorite Jay-Z jam.

My shirt

Mommy had been waiting a year for me to fit in this shirt, a gift from one of my Massé aunts (mom forgets which one, it's not my fault that I don't know). I fell asleep during this photo shoot, but it's a good shot of the shirt.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mommy made me a fort

I have a tent, but I tend to move it around a lot and bump into things. So mommy decided to make a fort that has a bottom, keeping it more grounded than my tent. I LOVE MY FORT!! Here are some photos--completely out of order for some reason.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Paloma love

This is me loving on Paloma, a dear friend from England who was introduced to me at Easter by my Aunt Camille. We became besties quickly.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

happy birthday to me (14 months)

it was also a wednesday, so i'm told, just a mere 14 months ago that i came into this world. the exact time was 9:54pm.  this is a video of me from today, just being goofy. mom says she was glad to have the camera nearby since i seemed to start (and play) this game of peek-a-boo all by myself. plus, i snarfed. happy birthday to me!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Bubbie & Zayde got me a SPLASH POOL for my birthday. I think I love this!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

What do you mean...?

What do you mean we're not celebrating my birthday anymore??

Sigh. Well, then Happy Father's Day instead...
(this is me with Pop Pop, CoKo, and Daddy--my Massé men)

Friday, June 15, 2012

Turning 1....

i'm going to come back to this post with lots of tales and many more photos, but here's one from my birthday!! (remember to check back often!)

as promised, i am coming back to this post, but mostly with photos, and not so much tales. i turned one. it was fun. i didn't have my cake until the next day because i was so tired that i wasn't even tempted to try it. but when i did try it--WOW!  let's just say I.LOVE.CAKE. here i am updating this on august 24, and i have yet to have cake again, but rumor has it that i've another birthday coming in just TEN MONTHS! woo-hoo! then i can have cake again.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

crossing guard

as you can see, i take my job on the neighborhood traffic patrol very seriously. you can find me outside my house telling people to "SLOW DOWN!" and " GET OFF YOUR PHONE!"

these are just two of my signature looks.