Sunday, March 17, 2013

little drummer girl

i like to think of myself as musically talented; this video might tell you otherwise. but at least i am very nice to my fans!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Trying My Best to be a Good Sis

Please note that the VIDEO in this post is from JAN 17, 2013.  Gary had not yet gotten sick when this video was taken.

The TEXT and actual date-of-posting is today, March 7, 2013.

I am only 20 months old (2 in June), but Gary Pig is 4 years old and was considered by Ma to be her most precious baby... up until the moment I was brought into the home from the hospital.

Ma and Gary were super close from the day they met (there's a blog for that), and before I was born, they spent hours a day snuggling and playing. Ma thinks Gary knew she was knocked up even before she did, and she was pleased with how super cool he was with her expanding belly--Gary would actually burrow into her belly and get as close as he could to the fetus inside.

Well, anyway, this is Ma's favorite video of me bonding with Gary. I've always loved the kid, but learning how to be gentle has been a process.


When am I eligible for the Olympics?

This is the least daring of my stunts; however, it's the one my father ("Dah") finds most impressive. (February 2013.)  in case you're wondering, I start my official gymnastics training later this month!!